DYA AboutMe

The key to meeting your goal and achieving success comes from within. A positive approach and consistent effort will result in success. Starting with small simple changes to both diet and exercise, a lifestyle change is the key to success which will result in large long term changes which can last a lifetime.

My time working in the fitness industry has convinced me that combining exercise with a healthy lifestyle is really the only key to achieving success. With over 15 years experience working in the fitness industry, I work with people to achieve their long-term and short-term health & fitness goals, whether it be weight-loss, muscle-gain or simply to gain the knowledge needed to achieve and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Located in Slough, Eton and Windsor, I provide Personal Training sessions, nutritional advice, and numerous cycling classes, catered to meet your specific needs and requirements. I have numerous fitness related qualifications including a sport science degree, diet and nutrition advisor, weight-loss coach, spinning, indoor cycling, circuit and kettle-bell instructor. I hold REPS level 3 and a “first aid at work” certificate, and have comprehensive 3rd party insurance.

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And if you’re looking to shed some kilos and to weigh less as part of your fitness regime, downloading my “30 Day Weigh Less Program” info-sheet could be the best first place to start.
I am sure that, whatever your health and fitness aims might be, we can achieve it quicker, and with greater effect, working as a team. See my contact details below to get in touch.

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Download “DYA_30_Day.pdf”

DYA_30_Day.pdf – Downloaded 1497 times – 3.98 MB

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Feedback from some of my clients:

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The eight “Envelopes of Doom” Training Challenge.

doom_challengeWhy not challenge yourself to use your own will power and lose some weight with my eight week challenge.

Simply choose an envelope each week for 8 consecutive weeks and follow the challenge revealed. If you find it difficult to work alone, or want an added challenge why not ask a friend to join forces with you and make it a competition.Each challenge is aimed at weight loss and with a bit of hard work and practice can be used as part of a new healthier lifestyle. Simple changes can result in massive health benefits in relatively short periods of time, so why not look at improving your lifestyle now.

Why not take up the challenge and remember… enjoy it!

Click on “Show More” in the panel section below…

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